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La(s) Cosa(s) De Un Hogar


This body of work explores the transient nature of home, and the labor that goes into creating those spaces, as evident in the narrative of immigrant experience. Drawing from the memory of the Pilsen apartment I grew up in – where now stands a condo – as well as my parent's experiences as immigrants from Mexico, I consider the relationship of home to migration and relocation.  A relationship that is experienced both in the act of leaving one's home and country in search of new opportunities, and the imposed movement that comes from displacement, as a result of gentrification. Using my labor as an artist, I recreate objects pulled from my childhood home that connect me to the immigrant labor of my parents and their desire and effort to create a home for their children. I consider how their experience is indicative of the greater narrative of many immigrant communities, and the fragile nature of home in light of the challenges they face as immigrants.

©  Christian Ortiz. All rights reserved.

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